As a teenager, I had occasional breakouts of acne, but no real, chronic problem with it. I never had to explore using serious acne medicine for myself. I sure knew people my age who had very bad breakouts, and the suffering they caused that went beyond the pain of having their broken-out skin touched by accident.
I’ll never forget passing a neighbor close to my age whose face looked like it was badly bruised – but was actually a severe case of acne. The expression on that kid’s face made me worry about whether there was a chance of him hurting himself – or worse. That expression still haunts me today.
I’ve also communicated with an Internet friend who suffered from adult acne who tried Accutane™. She ended up suffering from a major bout of depression that she felt was triggered by using this popular acne medicine. This was, for her, a case of the cure being worse than the disease. You’ll find warnings about this acne medicine leading to depression if you do an Internet search.
If you, like me, enjoy finding ways of doing things yourself, then consider using natural ways of clearing up acne BEFORE you plunk down money for acne medicine. Since I specialize in finding and publishing how-to information, I do a lot of research on subjects where people have a real need for effective solutions to their problems.
There’s a lot of available information on the subject of acne, much of it free. Unfortunately, much of it is either the same old advice you’ve already gotten from friends, parents, well-meaning strangers, etc., or is slanted by pharmaceutical companies to subtly push their products on the public. However, if you dig for it, there are some nuggets of gold under all the dirt and rocks you have to turn over.
Most people are surprised to find out that the skin can be a way for the body to eliminate waste. Since it’s the largest organ of our body (surface area-wise), our pores are the path for our bodies to excrete protection and lubrication (called sebum) and to release fluids and gases. When those pores get clogged with dead skin cells, sebum and bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes), that’s the start of acne.
Acne is a problem that can benefit from some surprisingly simple actions. Just by FAITHFULLY drinking those eight glasses of COLD water a day you always hear about, you can help eliminate the waste, toxins and excess hormones via your kidneys that can contribute to acne (and even lose a few extra pounds by burning calories to re-heat yourself from drinking that cold water).
Increasing your fiber intake is another way to eliminate a buildup that may end up trying to exit via your skin. By making sure you eat at least 30 grams of dietary fiber per day (from fruits and vegetables – mostly vegetables is best), you’re helping to eliminate those same problem-causers I mentioned above.
Food allergies are an often overlooked cause of acne breakouts. By learning to identify and eliminate those foods that can trigger your outbreaks, you'll automatically prevent any future breakouts with no extra effort. Plus, you'll feel better, too.
One very common myth is that acne is caused by dirty skin. Actually, acne starts BELOW the skin, in the pore itself. Scrubbing or excessive washing of your skin may actually worsen an acne breakout. You really only need to wash your face once or twice a day, gently, and pat dry. In this case, less is more.
I strongly suggest you check out the story Houa Yang has to tell about his struggle with teenage acne, his research and his conquest of his own problem. After keeping it a secret for five years, he finally reveals how to rid yourself of acne in three days without acne medicine!
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